
Psoriasis is a non-contagious, inflammatory, autoimmune disease caused by a defensive reaction of the white blood cells. Although the exact cause of the disease is not yet known, genetics and secondary factors (such as other diseases) most likely play an important role. Nowadays, the incidence rate in the population is rising and psoriasis is becoming a lifestyle disease that affects 2-4% of the world population1. It can stay dormant without any visible manifestations for a long time. Scientists believe that the origin of psoriasis lies in a genetically determined dysfunction of the immune system that causes the excessive production of epithelial cells.

Psoriasis in brief:

  • a chronic recurrent skin disease affecting 2-4% of the population;
  • not contagious
  • you can only treat the symptoms but not the causes
  • causes chronic, clearly demarcated deposits covered with silvery scales
  • some of its forms may require hospital treatment
  • can cause itching
  • depending on aetiology, its formation may be due to genetic disposition and secondary factors (such as other diseases)
  • occurs at any age both in men and women
  • may retreat temporarily